Spotlight: Meet Dennis of Airtab App

Posted on Jul 20 2017 - 11:48am by Cristyle
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Photo courtesy of Airtab


Dennis Cunningham, Founder


Airtab App

Airtab is a hot new app launching in Palm Beach County. Users are able to build a profile, claim free drinks at participating venues, check out where friends are and keep up with the bar scene. We recently attended the launch party at EAU Palm Beach with Perfect Vodka and Island Company Rum.

How did Airtab come about? What inspired you to develop an app?

As owner of Perfect Vodka, the idea of a digital marketing platform came to me after many months of frustration from competing with dozens of billion-dollar brands in the liquor space. After living in Silicon Valley for years, I learned the value of technology. Airtab is in a space that wasn’t currently using technology. We have no competition in what we do, and actually, our once billion-dollar competitors are now our partners. It is a win for all parties involved.

How do you identify participating restaurants, bars and beverage brands?

We rely heavily on the suppliers telling us which restaurants are trending for them. We look for the one-off appeal, speak-easy type of place. Unique establishments that offer great drinks and food are what aim for. We want to offer our users a fun and special experience.

What is your cocktail crush /guilty pleasure of the moment?

Perfect Vodka Dirty Martini with cheese olives, shaken.

What’s one thing you would love for people to know about Airtab?

The coolest part about Airtab is the collaborative effort from the CTO and myself. We configured an algorithm that allows you to see, with Airtab, who’s at the bar or restaurant before you call that Uber, and then automatically checks you in when you walk in. The added benefit to Here-Now-Live™ is that it gives us proprietary patent protection.

Any advice for local aspiring entrepreneurs?

Do not let fear rule your decisions. Really great instincts aspire from experiences.

Download Airtab

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Cristyle is a South Florida native, born in Miami and raised in Palm Beach. Her love of food came through her travels and seeing how cuisines differ and relate so much. She attended the University of Florida, had a short stint in Charlotte, NC and is now back home - ready to eat her way through Palm Beach County and share her findings with locals and visitors alike. From brunch to happy hour to foodie events, she's got you covered!